McLoughlin Scar Release Technique (MSRT) is a gentle therapy that is a very simple,
but highly effective technique that can give amazing results and improve scar discomfort due to increasing blood flow, aiding restrictions and improving the flexibility of the scar to give permanent results, no matter the age of the scar.
Scar tissue leaves adhesions and contracture due to the shortening of the tissue around the scar, this can leave lasting discomfort in the area, as the tissue can feel tight when the scar is stretched during movement and during the healing process. Numbness, pain and sensitivity in the area of the scar is also often common as a result of damage to the nerves in this area. It also can create barriers that are difficult for lymph to cross, so the flow of lymph fluid can be disrupted, and has to find other routes in the body which causes an imbalance in the body. A scar is like an iceberg, most of the scar tissue damage is not visible as it goes down deep into the layers of skin and tissue, so can also impact any underlying organs. MSRT stimulates the nerves to regain their sense of ‘feeling’, no matter how many years old the scar is.
Often an injury in another part of the body that gets no positive results after having any sort of therapy, is due to the damage to the tissue around a scar on the body, even if it is in a totally unrelated area of the body, the fascia are all connected from head-to-toe which is the reason this happens. After having MSRT, this other injury is then often able to be resolved.
There can also be emotional release when a scar is treated, and emotions related to the scar that are years old can be released which can help to alleviate stress and depression that has been associated with that scar. Often just one or two sessions can produce dramatic, even visible changes can be observed.
Treatments are quick and painless as only very light touch to the clients comfort level is used, and the length of treatment will depend on the size of the scar being treated.
Who would find MSTR beneficial?
Anyone with any of the following symptoms:
- Numbness, tingling, pain or desensitisation in or around the scar.
- Restriction in the fascia and tightness
- Burning, itching and hyper-sensitivity
- Physical appearance of the scar such as colour or texture
- Reduction in blood and lymph flow
- Loss of confidence/low self-esteem
- Muscle weakness
- Inhibited range of motion
- Emotional and psychological pain associated with scars and the events that created them
- Reduced energy flow (chi)
- Plantar Fasciitis sufferers
MSTR work is suitable for any of the post-surgical scars listed below:
- mastectmony, lumpectomy, etc.
- appendix, gall bladder, etc.
- hysterectomy/C-section
- joint replacement scars (knee, hip, etc)
- head wounds
- amputations
- plantar fasciitis
- fascial adhesions
- trauma wounds (lacerations, contusions, muscle tears, etc.)
- some burn scars
- may be helpful for Morton’s Neuroma
Treatment of a scar is very important as research has shown that, when a scar is left untreated, it may lessen the effect or longevity of other therapeutic interventions. Your scar may be many years old, MSTR could be the release your body has been waiting for.
Research undertaken at a hospital in Newcastle, United Kingdom has shown it is a proven method of scar tissue reduction. Results showed using ultrasound, that there was more than a 30% reduction in scar tissue in a 15 minute treatment.
Scar assessment and treatment from £35.00 - £50.00 depending on the size of the scar.